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Sugar Industry Programme 2017/18 Applications Now Open

30 August 2017

Recruitment is now underway for the 2017-2018 Sugar Industry Programme. The ‘SIP’ offers selected growers a fantastic opportunity to better understand the UK Sugar Industry in its entirety.

Now in its 8th year, the SIP will once again consist of several visits, including: Germains Seed Technology; British Sugar factory; BBRO; Westminster; SESVanderHave; NFU Conference and NFU HQ. Training is also given in presentation and media skills.

The programme will take place between November 2017 and March 2018, and includes a number of overnight stays. The programme is funded by NFU Sugar and British Sugar, including travel and accommodation costs, and will contribute BASIS points. Successful applicants are expected to attend all events.


How to apply   

We are now recruiting participants for the 2018 programme. If you would like to participate, send your CV and a covering letter telling us about yourself and why you would like to take part in the Sugar Industry Programme to Sugar Adviser Bethan Williams, . Participants must be available to attend all dates on the programme. The closing date for applications is 5pm on the 13 October.


The dates for this year’s programme are as follows (subject to change):

16 November

Opening event and media training (overnight stay). Knights Hill, Kings Lynn.


Media trainer Graham Percy worked for the BBC for many years and he will focus his training on the best way to deal with TV and radio interviews. The SIP will be joined for dinner by key players from the NFU and British Sugar as well as Germains.

17 November

Germains Seed Technology Visit


Germains coat and pellet all the UK sugar beet seed and will show the SIP their research facility in Kings Lynn and discuss their priorities for future research.

30 November

British Sugar factory tour (Wissington) and industry presentations.


As well as having the opportunity to hear presentations from the key players in British Sugar, the SIP will have a behind the scenes tour of the largest sugar beet factory in the UK.

10 January

British Beet Research Organisation, Norwich.


This visit will illustrate the latest research and development in UK Sugar Beet and allow the SIP to discuss the priorities with the key scientists in the British Beet Research Organisation.

23/24 January

Westminster- Parliamentary Reception, House of Commons, Houses of Parliament and presentations from the UK Sugar Industry (overnight stay).


The SIP participants will host in conjunction with Lucy Frazer MP a Parliamentary Reception within the House of Commons. The visit will also include presentations from a series of respected speakers across the sugar sector including government and the sugar trade.

6/7 February

SESVanderHave Research Facilities, Belgium


An opportunity to take a tour of the SESVanderHave Research Facilities in Belgium. The trip includes an overnight stay, with the SIP being joined for dinner by key speakers from Brussels.

21/22 February

 NFU Conference (overnight stay). ICC Birmingham.


The NFU conference is the biggest annual conference for farmers in the UK and is attended by over a thousand farmers every year as well as the key decision makers in the industry.

7 March    

Presentation training and closing event (overnight stay)- NFU Headquarters Stoneleigh.


Presentation training is done with Tessa Morton, who has previously worked with the NFU as well as corporate bodies such as Coca-Cola, Audi, Barclays and British Airways.

Notes to editors:

Click here for more information on NFU Sugar